Rock Bottom Radio is Shannen Gaffney. She is WKDU’s PR director and will host two radio programs beginning January 2015.
The Official Blog of WKDU Philadelphia 91.7 FM
Any recorded, audible content
With air-tight harmonies that feel like a strange but beautiful cross between Fleet Foxes and The Grateful Dead, this Philly trio truly is deserving of the national recognition they’ve been getting recently. Just before the release of their self-titled sophomore album, Good Old War stopped by WKDU to play a handful of songs off their first album, Only Way To Be Alone.
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By Shannen Gaffney
Eleanor Friedberger is back with a new single, titled ”Stare at the Sun”! It’s an upbeat springtime track that will make you want to ditch your work and go play frisbee with someone’s dog. Friedberger’s unmistakable voice will likely be stuck in your head for awhile after listening, but you probably won’t mind. The funny video seems to be mocking typical hipstery video production of late (in a loving way, of course). As she sings, “If that was goodbye, then I must be high / You know I’ll be seeing you soon,” a cute teenage girl loosely translates in sign language, then plays air guitar in between verses. I’ll definitely be adding this song to my ‘Wake Up’ playlist!
Friedberger has a pretty extensive tour planned for the month of June (though sadly there are no dates in Philly), along with her second solo album, titled Personal Record, coming out on June 4th.
On February 21st, 2013, The Front Bottoms came through and recorded a short session with us before their show down the street at World Cafe Live (opening for Bad Books).
[bandcamp album=3592418708 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=0687f5 size=grande2]
Listening to this session, it is easy to see how The Holy Mess have established themselves as one of the finest (not to mention funnest) bands in Philly over the last couple years. When they came down to the station in late 2010, they played through the entire (then-recently released) Benefit Sesh EP, plus a couple other tunes.
[bandcamp album=141424762 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande2]