Hot Mixing w/ Sorry Records’ Nick Boyd

Brooklyn’s Sorry Records has been a bright spot for new electronic music in these wild-ass times we’re living in, serving up everything from tender break-beat groovers to full throttle giddy-up, let’s rave bangers & beyond.

We caught up with label manager Nick Boyd after grabbing this b2b deejay set from Nick & Sweat Equity co-founder Alien D.

Press play & sink into the chat ▶️

Chris B: Nick, thanks so much for linking up to do this mix, chat, etc! I feel like you wear a lot of different ‘hats’. For the uninitiated, can you walk us through who you are and what you do?

Nick B: No worries Chris — thanks for inviting me to do the show and all your hospitality!

I’m from Winston-Salem, North Carolina originally — moved to New York when I was eighteen or so for school and have been just generally doing as much music stuff as I can since. I run Sorry Records, interview NYC artists for the great Love Injection fanzine, write about music every now and then for places like Crack and Bolting Bits, DJ, and run two radio shows on The Lot Radio and Newtown Radio here in Brooklyn. I used to go out dancing a lot too! I try to approach all the stuff I do with that mindset. 

A festive cake for the new Tony G – Pianoman EP, featuring remixes from Bored Lord & DJ Delish

How have you been hanging in there this past crazy year? What a time to be alive, right? Any new Covid hobbies ? How have you been coping and getting through this all?

Not quite sure how well I’ve been hanging in but I’m still here! It’s been just an insane sludge of a year — finding it difficult to find any consistency between bright highs and new lows. Outside of a weekend or two, I’ve been in New York non stop since this whole thing started. I’ve been very lucky to have held onto my pre-pandemic day job which wasn’t the case for so many folks so I really can’t complain though. Besides long aimless walks through Brooklyn and combing through the David Morales remix catalog, I’ve been coping by throwing myself into running Sorry. We’ve probably “signed” 10 records in the last year and significantly ramped up the frequency of our releases. That first month of pandemic I think I commissioned like six remixes. 

What is the ethos behind Sorry Records? Why did you start the label & where were you when you started it? Was this like a back of the napkin kind of thing or had been premeditated for a while or … ?

Definitely wasn’t premeditated. We’ve grown and changed a lot since our first records in 2015. Sorry started back when I was living with Tony G and Nick Dalessio (Figur fka Stick Figure) in college. They started a band and made an indie rock record with our friend Noah Engel from ART DLR on vocals and Drummy on drums. The label was initially started to promote that record but I’d wanted to start a label since I was in high school.Those early releases were all over the place, predominately music from my close friends, and genre wise everything from Dalessio’s experimental IDM leaning breaks stuff to the aforementioned indie rock and pop punk stuff from our friends Trash Boy in Philadelphia. 

Drummy & Nick Boyd at The Lot Radio in Brooklyn

Our original ethos was completely open format — really just any music I liked of any genre period. As time moved on and I myself got heavy into disco and subsequently house, techno, going out raving, the Sorry Records as it exists today cemented as a label primarily focused on the diverse sound of the dance floor and dance music history as a whole. I’ve always been in love with dance music as a curatorial genre developed via DJs who pieced together music from all sorts of genres and eras in their own new vision. I feel like all you really need to know was pretty much laid down by David Mancuso before Disco even had a name, you know? Lead with love, community, and play whatever feels right for you and the dancers. 

Must admit I’ve had a lingering frustration with what I perceive to be a loss of that spirit from current DJs and dance labels. From house to techno, there’s tons of labels out there putting out record after record with the same tone, same sound, same artwork… You hear stories about folks like Anthony Parosole ending a set at Berghain with Frank Sinatra and people being legitimately mad! That mindset sounds like hell to me. 

Ahh, to get lost in the fog again — soon enough! Figur enjoying a moment in the dance at the 2018 Sorry Records Halloween party

Sorry Records is also super influenced by the diversity of the New York dance music sound and we definitely want to champion our community where you can go to Bossa on like a Wednesday night and hear ballroom mixed into gabber into Detroit techno into reggaeton. I want to turn the techno kids onto house and vise versa. Would love to help people my age be more familiar with the history of this music and community within our city and the rest of America. I also want to make music that is fun to dance to. As far as ethos goes, these things are always in mind when I approach our label. 

What are some of your favorite labels & why? Maybe include a favorite label growing up, an all-time favorite and some contemporary labels you’re feeling…

I could go on and on so this will be an incomplete smattering but I’d be remiss to not mention a trio of labels that actively and directly inspired me to start Sorry.

I’ve been a humongous fan of Jeff Rosenstock and his community-oriented/anti-capitalist DIY approach to his collective Bomb the Music industry! and Quote Unquote Records was hugely influential on just about everything I do. He made so many decisions that completely shifted my understanding of what was possible for a musician and record label. Every record he’s put out since 2005 is available for free download online even since he’s signed to larger labels like Polyvinyl. Almost every Bomb show was all ages, under $10, and instead of selling merch you’d just bring a blank t-shirt to the show and Jeff would spray paint a stencil on it for you in the parking lot. To me I guess Jeff proved that idealism and honest commitment to DIY ethics was not only possible but fun. I’ve strayed pretty far from the punk world since but his words and approach are always in mind — “So write some songs with lots of hooks / Remember why you wrote songs in the first place / Let’s start a band / This is all that you can do.” 

Another label that inspired a similar realization of “wow I can do this” was my old friend Nathan Romano’s cassette label Personal Records based out of Greensboro, NC. I met Nathan when I was 16 at a summer filmmaking program and he is an insanely creative person who spent high school releasing dozens of folk/experimental/rock type records via this cassette label he ran out of his bedroom. Nathan was the first person I knew personally that ran a record label, booked shows, built his own world via DIY… He pushed me way more than I think he realizes. 

Lastly I just generally wouldn’t be running a label if it weren’t for A. G. Cook and PC Music. What they did with that label especially between 2013 and 2016 just bowled me over. They created their own world and changed the world at large in turn — legitimately the most thrilling and impressive record label in my lifetime, you know? PC Music taught me so much about intentionality, curation, presentation, and the overall possibilities of what you can do with a record label especially as it relates to digital media.

In interest of brevity, here’s some other labels I adore divided between past and present:

Strictly Rhythm are HUGE for me and everyone. Salsoul, Fania, Ze Records, West End, Philadelphia International, Prelude, Nice ’N’ Ripe; MOTOWN, Sleeping Bag, Emotive, Movin Records, everything Power Music especially Sex Trax, Nu Groove, Nervous, Easy Street, King Street Sounds, T.K. Disco, Suburban Base, Dance Mania, Teklife, Warriors Dance…

Sweat Equity, Haus Of Altr, Moveltraxx, Naive, Juke Bounce Werk, Future Times, ONE PUF, Sneaker Social Club, Kiwi Records, Allergy Season, EAT DIS, Mood Hut, Incensio, Timedance, The Bunker NY, Knightwerk, Scuffed Recordings, Most Excellent Unlimited, TWIN, Super Rhythm Trax, N.A.A.F.I., BFDM, Mister Saturday Night, TraTraTrax, Frendzone, ROOM, Off Me Nut, Local Action, Dark Entries, Balkan Recordings, Fixed Rhythms, T4T LUV NRG, Intedimensional Transmissions, Loveless Records, Planet Euphorique, Swing Ting, Kindergarten Records, Super Tuff, Twin, Hooversound, Illegal Afters, Honey Soundsystem, Loveless, Local Action…

If you had to give someone advice for starting a label today, what would it be?

My advice would be if you’re thinking about starting one, just start one. Work with your friends at first, really think about what you can do for the artists you work with that they can’t do by themselves, and never prioritize money ever. Also just email me — I don’t have enough friends who run labels and would love to help any way I can. 

Escaflowne rocking it at Good Room for a livestream

What’s one thing you love and one thing you don’t love about electronic music right now ? (not being able to do parties aside)

Octo Octa said “good DJs make dance music still feel like a secret.” That’s my favorite part about electronic music. 

Something I don’t love? The fact that not a single publication or platform is even coming close to properly covering even 10% of the beautiful stuff going on right now. 

What’s in the pipeline for you, Sorry Records, and beyond?

We’ve got a ton of projects in the works for the next year or so on Sorry Records. Records and remixes from Escaflowne, C Powers, PlayPlay, Bored Lord, John Barera, Brian Abelson, WTCHCRFT, Amal, X-Coast, Xhosa, UNIIQU3, Interplanetary Criminal, Chrissy & Maria Amor, Bianca Oblivion, Alien D, Tony G, DJ Girl, Sonia Calico, Drummy, zorenLo, Nick Leon, Figur, Loraine James, They Hate Change, NIGELTHREETIMES, Olive T, Martyn Bootyspoon, Overland…

Our next record is from Miami bass duo Basside and produced by the late genius SOPHIE 

 We’ll get around to our first vinyl release sometime as well. Besides that I’m just going to continue to try to do as much radio, DJing, music writing as I can while I can. 

What’s one thing you found out about yourself through this crazy period?

I’m addicted to YouTube and TikTok in a profound and concerning way.

What’s your favorite post-rave meal / snack ? (For whenever that happens again….)

Whatever’s available but I do have a fond memory of walking home from a DJ Harvey all nighter years ago and passing Bergen Bagels on Flatbush Ave just as they were opening and getting a plain bagel w/ lox and cream cheese. In a dream world my favorite post-rave meal would a BBQ tray w/ red slaw from whatever they call the original Little Richards in Winston-Salem, NC. That or a Cookout tray — burger cheddar style, fries & a corn dog, with a Cheerwine float.

We’ll all be in the dance rocking it to awesome peeps like Sorry Records soon enough! Be well & spread love y’all <3

WKDU Picks: 2020 Selects

Our smooth blend of 2020 selects have notes of electronic, slowcore, hip hop and powerviolence, among other delicious genres. Perouse our list, keeping in mind these albums have been hand selected to best suit the taste of true enjoyers and listeners of music. As you read through our list, please note the DJs associated with their pick. Although they may enjoy a range of music, one may expect these albums to make an appearance on their show. Pair these albums with friends, a candlelit dinner, or scaring off fascists. We at WKDU hope you enjoy our delicately chosen selection.

Bart Jaskulski // General Manager 

NO – Boris

I wanted to finally dip my feet into the genre of metal this year, and NO was such a great album to start that out with! I’ve heard little about them before this album and I regret not finding them sooner. A killer, raging album from start to finish, no track disappoints. Fave track: Anti-Gone

Inner Song – Kelly Lee Owens

This album surprised me with how it combines genres together! One track will sound like a “dreamy electro” sort of song, and the next track can go into a moody house+techno combo. The whole project is so satisfying to listen to. Fave track: Night


Yaeji went towards a more relaxing setting with this album, but it still makes way for some heavier tracks. Listened to this album a bunch during the Spring and Summer and it really set a good mood. Fave track: WHEN I GROW UP

DEEWEE Sessions, Vol. 1 – Soulwax

A side project from Soulwax, they created a roughly 30 min album with a sound that is unlike theirs. Think of Jean Michel-Jarre blended with Soulwaxes’ unique mixing and that’s what makes this album. Fave track: Movement 6

Derek Hengemihle // Station Manager

Something Nothing – Clothesline from Hell

Latest release from a Toronto DIY artist, lots of murky acoustic tracks with hints of somber prog rock influences in the likes of Pinback and Elliot Smith and Sebadoh.

The Three EP – Pulsr

Debut release from a trio based in New Haven, CT. Comprised of members and collaborators from beloved CT bands like waveform* and sundots, this is an exciting sneak peak of the swirling rock tracks to come from this powerhouse of a band.

Moral Panics – Peel Dream Magazine

An early 2020 release from NYC’s Joe Stevens. A hearty tribute to 90’s dream pop legends like Stereolab and Yo La Tengo complete with driving harmonies and tight drum tracks.

Brooklyn Fellner // PR Director

Kiss My Superbowl Ring- The Garden

I think this is the best album to come out this whole year…. Or literally any year that I have been alive. It is unapologetically angry, fun and genre switching. You can literally listen to it all the time, anywhere and scare everyone but also leave them intrigued.

A Country Western (Self Titled) – A Country Western

Slowcore has never sounded so gritty yet romantic. This nostalgic genre of choice was incorporated into the album which was created completely over quarantine by two of WKDU’s DJs (no bias here, I swear). Hit Derek and Garret up for a tape and get engulfed by the hypnotic bass tones and cryptically delightful lyrics. 

Perfect Break- Squat!

This is a lovely surf album released by some lovely Jersey people. A surf album is what we needed at the end of the summer of no fun. It leaves a hopeful taste in everyone’s mouths, remembering sunny days at the beach and excitement for the future when we can roadtrip to this album on full blast. 

Madeline Avarese // Program Director

Charm and Mirror – Kitty

Ok so not a full album but EP, but I definitely danced to this in my room while getting ready 🙂

Perception is/as/of Deception – ADULT.

The first song I heard off of this album was Why Always Why through one of our new DJ’s songs during her on air test. After listening to the rest of the album much later it is definitely the electronic pick-me-up I needed with Second Nature and Controlled By being my second and third favorite songs off of this album.

This is my Beloved – Mort Garson (single)

I found this song through someone who I liked and honestly it is the cutest little romance song for 2020. Hints of video game-like sounds add a nice touch!

Cameron Vickens // Development Director

Alfredo – Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist

“God made sell crack so I’d have something to rap about.” Freddie Gibbs is the gram that finds himself in the pocket of Alan The Chemist’s instrumentals on Alfredo. This album is the fusion of elite lyricism and perfectly warm, cohesive, and tightly stitched beats. Alfredo is a crystal clear lens into the backstory of Freddie Kane and is the unintentional blueprint to the sound of the hip hop revivalist movement.

F*** The World – Brent Faiyaz

F*** The World provides a small peek into the world of Brent Faiyaz characterized by excess, luxury, and Earthly pleasures over a landscape of smooth, sultry instrumentals. “…Some of the qualities that make up the people that relate to my music is like an empathetic narcissism or attention to detail and over-indulgent personality when it comes to sex and drugs. And if you get it, you get it because you live it.”

SAD (She Already Decided) – Smino

SAD hearkens back to a time when mixtapes were comprised of rappers spitting over contemporary, popular instrumentals with originals sprinkled throughout the project. Smino gives new life to beats from the early 2000s and 2020 with standout originals and remixes from Groove and Phoelix. This project feels like Shasta Tiki Punch washing down a bag of Red Hot Riplets. It feels like a freshly oiled scalp. Pass the most(k)accioli.

Ioana Racu // New Member Coordinator , PSA Director

SAWAYAMA – Rina Sawatama

One of the best pop albums of 2020. Every time I was sad, I would listen to this album and I would instantly feel better. XS is the first song I am going to play at a party post-corona

Nightmare Vacation- Rico Nasty

I have been really into hyperpop this year and Rico Nasty dropped one of the most creative albums of the year.

Charli XCX- how i’m feeling now

Another hyper pop album that talked about quarantine and it was released at the perfect time. Charli XCX has the perfect combo of extremely energetic instrumental and meaningful relatable lyrics.

Dominick Baglivo // Music Director

Kiss My Super Bowl Ring – The Garden

On their fourth studio album, The Garden absolutely excel at what they have always done best—getting weird as fuck. Following up 2018’s Mirror Might Steal Your Charm, which saw the duo of Wyatt and Fletcher Shears adopt jester aesthetics, the two have now enlisted the help of what can only be described as green goblins. Whether you credit the green goblins or natural artistic progression for this is up to your discretion, but there is no doubt The Garden have never embodied their own artistic vision of “vada vada” as well as they do on Kiss My Super Bowl Ring.

From The Garden’s website, “Vada Vada is a term that represents total freedom of expression without boundaries or guidelines of any sort.” If we are discussing the boundaries of Kiss My Super Bowl Ring, let’s be very clear—there are none. The album starts out rather tame for the duo with lead single, “Clench to Stay Awake”, which—save for a mildly chaotic midsection—describes feelings of helplessness and subsequent struggles to cope over light instrumentation. From there, Kiss My Super Bowl Ring quickly transforms into the most impressive musical clusterfuck you might ever hear, in which The Garden seemingly knows nothing and everything at once.

Synth-heavy, bass-heavy, loaded with screams, Kiss My Super Bowl Ring thrives off of chaos and unpredictability, shifting from one extreme to another at a moment’s notice. Perhaps the biggest surprise, and a shining example of the duo’s unpredictability, is the extent to which they have incorporated more aspects of electronic music to their already eclectic sound. Littered throughout the track list, most notably “Sneaky Devil” and “Please, Fuck Off”, you can find instances where the song evolves into or simply is based around breakbeats and drum ‘n’ bass. The duo’s willingness to experiment has always been their calling card, and they appear to have mastered it on Kiss My Super Bowl Ring by injecting electronic music into their musical backbone of fiery and chaotic punk.

N O D R E A M – Jeff Rosenstock

Jeff Rosenstock’s fourth solo studio album, N O  D R E A M, continues his streak of creating chant-worthy pop punk hits. Subtlety is largely out the window as Rosenstock comes crashing in and never lets off the gas, creating short and punchy tracks that directly address issues he has always stood for throughout his lengthy career. 

Looking back through Jeff Rosenstock’s catalog – whether that’s with The Arrogant Sons of Bitches, Bomb the Music Industry, his prior solo efforts, or any number of his side projects and collaborations – you will almost always find lyrics that are shrouded in uncertainty and anxiety. Rosenstock has never hesitated to offer political takes in his music either, as they are inevitably linked to the feelings of existential dread he is constantly dwelling on. On N O  D R E A M, these feelings of uncertainty and confusion feel more pressing than ever, both in his lyrics and the context in which they were released.

In 2016, we got WORRY., the aptly-titled record addressing the corporatization of society, our growing dependence on technology, increasing levels of gentrification, police brutality, and more…all the while having been released just a month prior Donald Trump’s election as president. Talk about things to be anxious about. January 1st, 2018 saw Rosenstock surprise release POST-, ringing in the new year with an album that directly addressed the fallout of said election and the subsequent hopelessness it evoked in much of America.

Four years removed from WORRY., it would be hard to argue that N O  D R E A M — based off title alone ­– paints a brighter picture. While certainly packaged beautifully with catchy hooks, infectious energy, and colorful instrumentals, the core of N O  D R E A M consists of an overwhelming sense of helplessness and frustration.

The title track features Jeff shouting the words, “The only framework capitalism can thrive in is dystopia,” which ultimately functions as an overarching theme for the album. In Rosenstock’s eyes, and in the eyes of many, the current structures that exist have failed to protect us and have failed to provide for us. Systemic inequality, abuse of power, and widespread injustice are constantly occurring around all of us, and we have continually failed to make progress against these issues. And while Rosenstock’s gripes against structural issues (capitalism) are plenty, the kicker of N O  D R E A M, and what makes it so relatable is his ability to reflect on his own apathy. Getting out of bed is a struggle of its own, but how do you muster up the energy to fight back against a system designed to discourage you from doing so? Rosenstock does not seem to have the answers, and maybe no one does. But if you feel similarly to Rosenstock, the revolution will be worth the fight.

Heaven to a Tortured Mind – Yves Tumor

Yves Tumor’s fourth studio album, Heaven to a Tortured Mind, is an ambitious genre-bending record that only further solidifies them as one of the more innovative artists of recent years. The follow up to 2018’s Safe in the Hands of Love sees them adopt a more lavish and elegant aesthetic as they build upon sounds of traditional pop with the fusion of psychedelic soul and glam rock. Throughout Heaven to a Tortured Mind, Yves weaves through hazy, soulful, and extravagant instrumentals—delivering impassioned vocal performances that detail stories of love and desire.

Pain Olympics – Crack Cloud

Pain Olympics is the debut album from Vancouver-based, DIY collective Crack Cloud. Most of the members met each other through recovery programs amidst Canada’s rising opioid crisis — something they have openly embraced and incorporated into the ethos of their work.

“Based On True Shit” is a reoccurring phrase that you’ll find in each of their recent music videos and on the artwork for the album’s singles. The more you listen to their music, the more you hear the message they’re conveying on Pain Olympics, the more that indicator almost feels unnecessary. It doesn’t need to be said, you can simply feel it and hear it at every turn.

Pain Olympics has a chaotic nature to it that feels like a calculated representation of what can only be described as troubling times, brought to you by those who have battled some of the worst of them. Crack Cloud loses a smidge of their intensity and is significantly less jarring on their debut LP when compared to their previous work, but they trade this for a more refined and purposeful sound.

Pinning down genre identifiers to this can get a bit murky and feels rather redundant — post-punk, art punk, experimental rock, whatever. Across 8 tracks, Pain Olympics manages to sound jarring and abrasive, raucous and chaotic, bouncy and danceable, dark and depressing, beautiful and uplifting — covering so much ground in less than 30 minutes and often incorporating a trifecta of these descriptors in any given track.

This album is about pain, addiction, the failures and abuse of those with power and so much more — it is about all the fucked up and very real shit that often feels out of control. There’s no question. But at the heart of Pain Olympics is the search for acceptance and inner peace. And it is very much a reflection of many of the members’ experiences in recovery programs, both as former addicts and as current frontline workers amidst an overlooked crisis.

And if we are to learn anything from their teachings, it is the importance of collective togetherness and supporting one another through our struggles. In the darkest of times, show compassion and show empathy.

Kirby Bell / Alumni Liaison, Philly Haps Director

In This House – Lewsberg

Okay let’s get this out of the way – yes, this band sounds A LOT like the Velvets. You could even say they are derivative AF and you would not be wrong. However, unlike a lot of the VU’s acolytes, Lewsberg (Rotterdam, Netherlands) actually channel that vibe (think the VU’s post-Cale work) to the point where you forget about comparisons and just groove along. While never scaling the heights of the VU (few, if any, bands do) you will find yourself listening to this album only to arrive at the end and saying “Dang, it’s over already?” RIYL: VU/Lou Reed, Cate Le Bon, Television

Brain Drugs – Brain Drugs

Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, the duo of Pete Warden (drums, percussion) and Michael Beach (guitar, keyboards) have made an all instrumental album that is cerebral, trance inducing, and (at times) mysterious. RIYL: Terry Riley, Eno, Kraftwerk

A Golden Brain – Kraus

A one man band from New Zealand, Kraus, makes psychedelic electronic music for the 21st century. A Golden Brain is an all instrumental album that meshes analog synths, tape loops, drum machines with standard rock instrumentation (guitar, bass, drums) to produce music that is ambient (with a tinge of rock), but that also rewards deeper listening. Like peeling away the layers of an artichoke to get to heart, A Golden Brain, reveals more with each listen. RIYL: Eno, Pierre Henry, Suzanne Ciani

Amy Carson // New Member Coordinator, Librarian

What’s Tonight to Eternity – Cindy Lee

This album feels like it was made for me. Somehow perfectly blending the sounds of 60’s girl groups, harsh guitar noise and feedback, and John Carpenter-esque synths, the end result is an album that is haunting, beautiful, ominous, and deeply sincere all at once. It makes me feel like I am dancing alone in the dark, smoky bar of a run-down 60’s desert motel at 10 pm, blissfully unaware that I am about to be murdered in the next 20 minutes, and I mean that as the highest of compliments.

Island – Owen Pallett

Owen Pallett is one of my favorite musicians of all time. Even though their hands have seemingly been in every indie project with strings over the past 20 years, Island was dropped after a 6 year hiatus from recording solo work. The songs balance the lush, orchestral string arrangements Pallett is known for with intimate songwriting and delicate, fingerpicked guitar The whole album feels like a retrospective of their past work, spanning back to the Final Fantasy days and up to their more modern scoring work, and they even bringing back the character of Lewis from 2010’s Heartland. And while it’s definitely an album you just have to sit down and listen though in one shot, Fire Mare (version) is by far my favorite individual song released this past year.

Various Artists – Louis Wayne Moody High

Numero Group compilations are always a treat, often focusing on capturing specific feelings rather than just a time or place. A compilation of songs recorded by high school garage bands from the 60s and early 70s, the songs are all catchy and full of amateur charm. However, instead of the poppy dance tracks the niche is known for, the songs on Moody High all have an underlying theme of sadness, loneliness, and heartbreak that can only be expressed with such earnestness when you’re a teenager. Haunting, genuine, and danceable (in that sort of sad, swaying way), it really is a testament to the wisdom of youth.

David Juro // Production Engineer

Live Forever – Bartees Strange

This debut album is the manifesto of a proud Black artist in an overwhelmingly white indie scene, bucking simple genre descriptions and pulling no punches. Bartees experiments with styles ranging from indie to hardcore to hip-hop to house as means for expressing his unique voice and often gritty production style, hooking listeners from start to finish.

Songs – Adrianne Lenker

Even though it’s musically bare and stripped back, featuring only Lenker’s voice, acoustic guitar and minimal shaker percussion, this album is hypnotic. It’s lyrics are introspective, personal, and sometimes surreal, while the guitars are constantly weaving a melodic tapestry. All this paints a haunting, lonely, and intoxicating picture.

Long Haired Locusts – Godcaster

Godcaster committed their frenetic and dynamic musical chemistry to tape with this exciting debut record. Their brand of funky psych rock, showing off commanding vocal performances, propulsive rhythms, and gorgeous harmonic textures, makes me REALLY miss the carefree fun of packed house shows.

Moveys – Slow Pulp

I was waiting for this debut LP from Slow Pulp for a while, and it was a great addition to their shoegazey indie rock catalogue.

Holding Hands (Again) with Gargoyle Records

Some records just stand the test of time. In the mid-90s Baltimore natives Don Corrieri & Tony Pegas of Gargoyle Records released six of the most high-octane east coast break-beat records we’ve ever heard, all of which now fetch a pretty penny on the good ‘ol Cogs. It goes without saying that these tracks still completely rip up today’s dancefloors, which is exactly the reason why Holding Hands label boss Desert Sound Colony snatched some up for re-release on his Holding Hands Again imprint.

Editor’s note: Desert Sound Colony played one of the best sets of recent pre-quarantine memory for [sic] at the end of 2019 — dang, I miss dancing with friends!!

Hot off the release of Gargoyle Records Classics Volume 1, I caught up with the Gargoyle bosses Don and Tony to chat about the label’s history, their favorite breaks, and of course grab some of the label heat (which I mixed up into a little label sampler below to whet your appetite).

WKDU · Gargoyle Records Ultra-Mix

How did you and Tony meet up? What music were guys into at that time?

Don: We met in the mid 90s and were both already deep into the underground music scene. It was an exciting time as we were moving from industrial bands (like Nitzer Ebb and Thrill Kill Cult) to house and techno. At the time, I was promoting my record, FS Tech. Tony was only 17, but  was one of the biggest DJ’s and promoters in Baltimore. He would spin my records at his weekly “Meltdown” parties. Soon after, I had him over to my studio and we would do sample sessions into my EMU sampler.

Tony: I met Don sometime in the 90s. He had produced several projects I had heard, so when he brought me some records to play, you better believe I played them. Eventually he invited me to his studio and it was an instant connection.

How did Gargoyle get started? 

Don: Tony would bring DJs and acts to my studio. In 1995 he was throwing a New Year’s Eve rave and approached me about creating a song specifically for that event. The song we created eventually became “Danceaholic”.  After that we began working on more music together, and soon launched Gargoyle.

Tony: Once we had a few songs, our friends Dan and Bump at Defective Records suggested that we start a label and release it ourselves. Fortunately they shared with us how to go about doing that (thank you guys!) And that is how Gargoyle Records was born.

What’s the biggest difference in dance music today vs the 90s ?

Don: Back then the music was much more underground. It didn’t permeate ads and pop culture as much. It was great to witness the birth of new genres and be able to go to clubs and hear truly new sounds.

Tony: In the early days, it was all just called “dance music”. As time went by it got more refined in terms of genres. Eventually DJ’s started playing just one style.

What’s one of your most memorable label / party moments?

Don: Tony was one of the headliners at a big party in Ottawa, Canada. They rolled out the red carpet for us and it was amazing. It was a wild party with great bands and DJs. Our (just released) song, “Do You  Believe” was actually created for and debuted that night, played on acetate vinyl.

Tony: The best Party I ever played was with DJ Bump from Defective Records for the premier of John Waters’ film Serial Mom at the Baltimore Museum of Art. A-List Party. By now I played only what I liked and everyone loved it…if you have ever seen a John Waters movie you can understand Baltimore and its charm. I eventually produced and promoted raves with SisterFace (Trax DC) and Bubbles (Cignels + Orpheus). Richard Long had passed by this time but Gary Stewart, who was an associate of Richard’s, did our sound and Super Cal did our Lighting. In the Mid-Atlantic Area, our system was only comparable to The Paradox.

Is there anything that stands out to you as part of the signature East Coast sound / style ?

Don: I say the East Coast sound is a little rougher and rawer— just like Baltimore!

Tony: The ‘Baltimore Club’ sound influenced our music quite a bit. We took the chopped up loops/vocals and added techno and acid synth sounds.

How did you link with Liam / Desert Sound Colony?

Don: Beginning in 2019, we had a steady stream of renewed interest in our music. We never officially had anything online and the vinyl was getting scarce. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see our records selling for upwards of $100. Along with messages from fans we had a good bit of label interest. Liam offered us a great deal and the rest is history.

Tony: We liked the vision Liam had toward re-releasing our music. His label, “Holding Hands Again” not only symbolizes the reissue, but that Don and I are back at it!

What else do you guys have in store after the Holding Hands release?

Don: We actually have another retrospective EP, “Gargoyle Classics Vol 2”, coming this summer on Liam’s label Holding Hands Again, and a 3rd EP with another label based in Europe. On each of the records we’ve also included an unreleased song from that era. Plus everything has been remastered and sounds really great. We’ve also began working on some brand new tracks, so be on the look out for more on that soon!

Tony: We’ve been talking about the next Gargoyle release and I can feel it coming.  I’m putting together a new studio with some of my favorite classic synths like the Juno-106 with the Kiwi mod as well as new gear.

Don: Yeah, the renewed interest in our music is definitely making me itching to create some new acid breaks!

What’s your favorite break ?

Don: I love the Bad Sista break, which is one of the most iconic loops in Bmore club music. Also the Lyn Collins (used in ‘It Takes Two’).

Tony: Pacha on Acid ( Krafty Kuts remix)

Stay tuned for more heat from the Gargoyle crew & definitely check out Gargoyle Records Classics Volume 1 if you haven’t already!!!

Stay safe out there y’all <3

Adé Hakim On His Role in the Modern Renaissance And Being On To Better Things


Adé Hakim, (AKA Sixpress) is a Bronx creative, who has been creating his own sound alongside sLUms the NYC hip-hop collective for some time now. He was credited with the production on Earl Sweatshirt’s recently released single “Nowhere2go” and is at the forefront of a new generation of artists in NYC.  He stopped by the WKDU station on April 20th for a short on-air playlist of beats themed “Black History Month Lives On”, and a conversation to discuss what he’s been up to, the modern renaissance, and his latest project: On to Better Things, along with much more. After our interview,  Adé went on to play a prodigious set with fellow New York producer Sporting Life at Big Mama’s warehouse to an audience of fans he was quick to unify.

Continue reading “Adé Hakim On His Role in the Modern Renaissance And Being On To Better Things”

Human Head’s Stephen Silvestri In The Mix

Head to the back counter at Human Head Records in Brooklyn, where the shop’s excellent electronic music section resides, and Stephen Silvestri will likely greet you, pile of records & seltzer in tow. On an E-ZPass tip, I checked out the store for the first time, saw they were carrying some of my favorite labels (shoutout Is / Was & Vanity Press), got to chatting with Stephen, and had him do this mix 🙂

[soundcloud url=”” params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

What’s in this mix?

I collect a lot of house/techno records from the NYC area from the late 80s to the early 90s so there’s a good smattering of that. A couple of UK records, some Detroit. I opened the mix with a track from Don Carlos the famous Italian house music producer. But the era is most definitely around 1989-1996. Always all vinyl! I’m not sure why I chose to focus this mix on this era but I guess it’s what I’m feeling currently.

What’s something you’ve learned (that you didn’t expect to) from working at record shops?

A deeper appreciation for visual art and typography. I am inundated with visual imagery working with records and you start to get really good at being able to determine eras of design preference. Some record art is totally pop art, some conceptual, some campy, some commercial, some political, etc. The spectrum of artistic design reflects the breadth of music which is obviously wide. But sometimes the visual is better than the music, or vice versa, or sometimes it doesn’t seem to quite match with the music or the content of the record. I could go on about layers of human behavior that I have learned about but that’s a whole other topic.

Continue reading “Human Head’s Stephen Silvestri In The Mix”

Artist Profile: Wes Phili

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I had the pleasure of chopping it up with local independent rapper Wes Phili on how he’s been, where he’s been, and what went into his debut album Black Flower.

First of all, how old are you, tell me about where you are from, and what kind of influence where you are from has had on your music.

26, from North Philly. Grew up seeing both sides of the fence. Divorced parents; Mother, a lawyer who would eventually move to a more quiet area just outside of Philly. Father, a working man living in one of North Philly`s several hoods. My music comes from my experiences growing up in both, along with having lived in NYC in my later teens & early 20s. Philly is an MC`s mecca…long history of battle rap and great lyricists just like its brother NYC. Reppin Philly is askin for that torch…and by default you can’t be weak on a mic if you wanna carry that…bein nice at ya craft is showin respect to those that paved the way for you.

What kind of hip-hop scene, if any, were you exposed to growing up?

“The Infamous” by Mobb Deep was the first album I ever owned. That was my introduction to rap as a kid…and I was hooked. From there, I then moved on to albums like “Illmatic”, “Enter the 36 Chambers”, “OB4CL”….and the rest was history.

You said recently you are in Japan for the time being, tell me a little bit about what you’re up to, and what the change has been like.

I came out here just for a change of scenery to help me reflect on my life and figure out what I really wanted to do with it. Felt like I was in a bubble back home, and I needed to get outta that and find a place of solitude away from everything familiar, where I could breathe and think clearly.  Still a working man, but my free time is almost entirely spent on perfecting my craft.  The goal being to live completely off my music soon.

In a sentence or less, how would you describe your style?

Eclectic… I`m a little a bit of everything and future releases will reflect that.

Who do you listen to music-wise? and who has inspired you? Hip hop related or not.

I listen to anything and everything. If it sounds good, I`ll listen to it; regardless of genre. Recently though, my playlist has been filled with a lot of Roc Marciano, Mick Jenkins, Mach Hommy, (Illmatic – I Am… era) Nas, Lupe Fiasco, and Black Thought. All of these MCs have elite pens, and you can learn something different from listening to each. No matter how much I improve, I`ll always be a student of the game.

You said it took about a year to complete Black Flower. When you first started did you intend for it to take that long?

Absolutely. I like to take my time when making music in general…and doubly so with Black Flower. Black Flower was me really challenging myself lyrically and content-wise. In my opinion, storytelling is what separates your average artist from your truly great ones…and instead of doing that with just one track, I wanted to challenge myself to do it throughout an entire album. One single story told throughout 10 tracks. A lot of effort went into this project, and I feel my penmanship grew with each track I wrote.


What does your writing process look like? I.e., medium, ambiance, company etc.

Complete solitude. I lock myself in my room and tune out everything around me, focusing only on what`s directly in front of me.  There`s an interesting story from Nas`s early career about how he went “missing” for a day or so. He was found in a room that he rented just for writing, with papers filled with rhymes and verses scattered everywhere and all that. I`m not much different.

What goals, if any, did you have going into the creation of Black Flower, and do you think you achieved those goals?

No grand goals or schemes…I just wanted to test myself, tell a story, and create a listening experience as best as I could. If the end result attracted an audience & fanbase, cool. If it didn`t, also cool. This was more for me to experiment with my artistry and push my boundaries further. Do I feel I accomplished that? Absolutely.

How do you feel about how it’s been received thus far?

I`m pleased. I haven`t really been heavily promoting the album or anything I`ve done to keep it real… I`ll just finish something and if I like how it sounds I`ll put it out there, then will move directly onto the next thing. I`m assuming most are finding out about the album through word of mouth, and the feedback I`ve been getting back has been entirely positive. This just motivates me to continue taking my time to make sure everything I release continues to be of quality.

Tell me about your relationship with JLVSN, and how you two worked together to put together an album like this.

JLVSN is the god and is one of the most talented producers out there by far. He reached out to me letting me know he was feeling my sound, and proceeded to send me pure heat. Everything he sent me I connected with instantly, and knew immediately I was going to make an album with dude. Much more will be coming from us both soon.

What was the process behind choosing samples and some of the theme-central intros/outros?

I`m a film addict and I wanted to do something with that…so I decided to make a film through music. Once I had an idea in mind for the story I wanted to tell, knowing what to use for the skits came naturally.  As for the samples, I knew what vibes and feelings I wanted the listener to experience on each track, so it was just about choosing samples that could bring those to light.

Only two features on the album, but Heem Stogied and Estee Nack definitely stood their ground, tell me a little about your relationship with these two, and how these features came about.

I first heard Heem Stogied on one of Mach Hommy`s earlier joints and thought dude was ill. So, I went on to check out his King Stogied Dump Gawd tape and was like damn…. dude raw as hell. Whole style from the flow, energy (unmatched here), cadence, and lyrics…all the coldest shit man.

I got put onto Estee Nack from the knowledge god Nick Gauder (fadeawaybarber). Listened to a few tracks of his on SoundCloud and was like yo…his talent is ridiculous. The rhyme schemes, unorthodox flows…there’s layers to his shit man…and those adlibs…no words man shit crazy.

They both came through and were perfect fits for the album.

How did you link up with Camouflage Monk? He has an insanely elite group of collaborators and you seem to fit right in skill-wise.

Camouflage Monk is God…you know it, your friends know it, and anyone else that`s up to speed with the renaissance going on in hip hop right now knows it. No doubt he`ll be revered in the same respects as Knxwledge, Madlib, and the likes real soon. I reached out to him and had him check out a track I did with Nicholas Craven (another god) and he was feeling it so we connected. Expect more from him & I soon too.

Based off some of the really personal songs on this album like What A Man Wants it seems like despite having been through a lot of strife, you have evolved to a very pragmatic outlook on everything. Speak on that a little.

“What A Man Wants” is the most personal song I`ve ever written. A lot of that song drew from previous relationships I`ve experienced, and in particular, touched on some feelings that I never got a chance to share with my woman that I loved, who had passed away in the middle of me making the album. Took a lot to write that song and finish it. It had my own personal experiences mixed with the story I was telling on the album.

On songs like Heist! You do some really quality storytelling, which has become a less followed path as of more recent times, what inspires you to do so?

The challenge of doing it. Storytelling without sacrificing lyricism…and by that I`m referring to all the similes…metaphors…entendres etc. that are a trademark of hip hop. Making a story interesting but easy to follow while still maintaining a certain level of wordplay ain`t an easy feat…and learning how to do that was a difficult but enjoyable process

What is your favorite song on the album? 

High Tension is my personal favorite, then after that would probably be Pipe Dreams. High Tension, because as someone else put it, it`s got an abundance of “flavor”. Pipe Dreams because it takes me back to that old The Infamous & Hell On Earth era Mobb Deep sound.

Will you be returning to Philly anytime soon? What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get back?

Definitely… that’s home. Cliché but likely grab me a good Philly Cheese Steak…been a while…damn.

What can we expect in terms of future releases, collaborations etc.?

Big things…and I mean BIG things starting this year and going into next. Both in the underground scene and outside of it.  A massive release with THE ONE AND ONLY God sorcerer Evilldewer, and a few high-level collabs. Stay tuned.

Any shows?

Absolutely. Plan on making a few trips back to do some shows around the end of this year and throughout the next. Maybe even sooner if the bag is right.

Thank you for the interview and the music Wes Phili, looking forward to what you have in store.

Appreciate your time king. Peace to you, and salute.



Listen to Black Flower here:  

Instagram: @wesphili

Twitter: @wes_phili

The Top 40 Dance Tracks of 2018 (in Alphabetical Order)

From hazy break-beats, to pumping acid techno, to hands-in-the-air Detroit diva house, 2018 was another great year for dance music. So many upstart labels shined and delivered great releases, countless new names floated to the top of lineups, and some of our favorite artists continued to bring the goods.

jlo champ

Bearing in mind that year-end lists tire everyone out and usually suck, here are forty tracks that heavily sound-tracked my radio show, club gigs, car stereo, and beyond — presented in alphabetical order because any ranking would be completely arbitrary.

Tune into WKDU one last time in 2018 for the ‘Resolutions Show’ from 8:30 – 10:30 pm, where we’ll read your resolutions on air, play some of the tracks below, and prepare you for a brand new year!


The Top 40 Dance Tracks of 2018 (in alphabetical order)

Artist Track Label
Waajeed After You Left DIRT TECH RECK
Hugo Massien Alien Shapes E-BEAMZ
Videopath And So Do Eye Peach Discs
Sa’D Ali Asylum (Louie Vega Deep In The Underground) Nulu Electronic
Steffi Between Form & Matter Air Texture
Pangaea Bonesucka Hessle Audio
Sami Bright Blue feat. ZSY 1432 R
Dj Steaw Celestial Vibrations Rutillance Recordings
Leo Pol Dark Outside Bass Culture
J. Albert Deep State Riddim Trilogy Tapes
Marquis Hawkes, Ursula Rucker Don’t U (Dubbed Out Vocal) Aus Music
Roza Terenzi Electronique Oscillate Tracks
Almaty Gennaro (Endian Remix) naïve
Moodymann Got Me Coming Back Rite Now Mahogani Music
Lady Blacktronica How I Learned Meda Fury
Omar S featuring Simon Black I’ll Do It Again FXHE
Scott Richmond and John Selway Keep On Climbing Firehouse NYC
Teakup Lose My Mind is / was
Heckadecimal Murder Tape Great Circles
Brother Nebula Parting Infinity Legwork
DJ Koze Pick Up Pampa
Hoshina Anniversary Pimp Jack Dept.
Batu Rebuilt XL Recordings
BMG & Derek Plaslaiko Rendezvous (NWB Mix) Interdimensional Transmissions
DJ Dre Respect These Things Take Time
Galcher Lustwerk Rules Meant to Be Broken Lustwerk Music
Djrum Sex R&S Records
D. Tiffany Sip & Savour Planet Euphorique
AceMo Speedn N Smokin Vanity Press
Will Dimaggio Steppin W Friends Future Times
Universal Cave Take Your Time (Universal Cave’s 909 Rubdown) Universal Cave
Omar S & Brian Kage Thru The Madness Michigander
Antemeridian Tuesday AM The Bunker NY
Alex Falk Upp International Black
The Horn Villager (Luca Lozano Remix) Klasse Wrecks
Scott Grooves We Move…We Have To Natural Midi
Marie Davidson Work It Ninja Tune
Shawn Rudiman Works On Paper Pittsburgh Tracks
Cassy X Pete Moss You Gotta Know (Ron Trent Remix) Kwench

Thank you to all the labels, artists, PRs, etc for the great music!!! See you next year — SPREAD LOVE <3 <3 <3

Catch the Hot Mix on Tuesday nights at 10 pm for a preview of The Top 40 Dance Tracks of 2019 ; )