Song Review: “April and the Phantom” by Animal Collective


By Nick Stropko

Animal Collective may be a household name at this point (well, among WKDU DJs anyway), but they’ve been releasing their warped freak-folk in different incarnations since 2000. Their excellent first album, Sprit They’re Gone, Spirit They’ve Vanished, is unfortunately a lesser-known entry in their catalog. While it is credited to Animal Collective, their debut is largely an Avey Tare affair—Panda Bear provides “perfect percussion” (according to the album credits), but everything else is handled by Tare. Knowing Animal Collective, it’s not surprising that the album sounds nothing like the rest of their catalog.

“April and the Phantom,” the album’s second track (and my personal favorite) is fairly representative of Sprit as a whole. It’s a study in dichotomy—almost every element rubs against another to great effect. The song opens with a high-pitched, sugar coated synth line before running headfirst into loud, jarring white noise. The clatter cuts away to reveal Panda Bear’s distinctive percussion—it’s aggressive in the frequency of his hits, but is tempered by his use of brushes. Meanwhile, chirpy, cheap sounding synthesizers sing over the track’s high end while Avey Tare relentlessly strums his acoustic guitar. Tare’s singing ranges from timid, sweet falsetto to outright screaming, with everything in between present. The lyrics are very much up for interpretation, but seem to be a schizophrenic love story, with lyrics split between a narrator, April, and the Phantom—with each voice being sung in a distinct style from the last (I particularly like the phaser [I think?]-laden harmonies during the Phantom’s part).

“April and the Phantom” is entirely bizarre, extremely captivating, and absolutely worth a listen. Stream it above.

In-Studio: The Menzingers Live @ WKDU (January 18, 2011)

Local punk favorites The Menzingers were kind enough to stop in a few years ago before their show at First Unitarian Church and play a an incredible in-studio set for us. Combining their stellar musicianship and infectious songwriting, the Menzingers in-studio is a fantastic showcase for one of the best bands in the area.

Stream or download it below!

[bandcamp width=350 height=559 album=504614155 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 notracklist=false]

Concert Review: Devendra Banhart @ Union Transfer (June 10, 2013)

Image Courtesy of Nonesuch Records
Image Courtesy of Nonesuch Records

By Kirsten Becker

It’s been awhile since folk-­rocker Devendra Banhart performed a show in Philadelphia. June 10th marked his return to the city, playing a show at the Union Transfer. The night was one of only a handful of shows he will be playing in the US this year. His eighth record, Mala was released back in March and has been highly praised by many. His live shows are something of a spectacle and I was eager to see one for myself.

Continue reading “Concert Review: Devendra Banhart @ Union Transfer (June 10, 2013)”

Top Played Artists 6/4/2013 – 6/11/2013

1 WILD NOTHING Empty Estate (Captured Tracks)
2 DEERHUNTER Monomania (4AD)
5 LAURA STEVENSON Wheel (Don Giovanni)
6 THEE OH SEES Floating Coffin (Castle Face)
7 BORN RUFFIANS Birthmarks (Yep Roc)
8 GRANDCHILDREN Golden Age (Earnest Jenning)
9 SAVAGES Silence Yourself (Matador)
10 TERA MELOS X’ed Out (Sargent House)
11 MOUNT KIMBIE Cold Spring Fault Less Youth (Warp)
12 FRONT BOTTOMS Talon Of The Hawk (Bar/None)
13 ALPINE A Is For Alpine (Votive)
14 WAVVES Afraid Of Heights (Warner Brothers)
15 MAL BLUM Tempest In A Teacup (Betterweather)
16 KURT VILE Wakin On A Pretty Daze (Matador)
17 FLAMING LIPS The Terror (Warner Brothers)
18 IO ECHO Ministry Of Love (Iamsound)
19 BROTHERS IN LAW Hard Time For Dreamers (WWNBB)
20 IRON AND WINE Ghost On Ghost (Nonesuch)
21 TELEKINESIS Dormarion (Merge)
22 SHE AND HIM Volume 3 (Merge)
23 JAMES BLAKE Overgrown (Republic)
24 THERMALS Desperate Ground (Saddle Creek)
25 AKRON/FAMILY Sub Verses (Dead Oceans)
26 STILL CORNERS Strange Pleasures (Sub Pop)
27 GENERATIONALS Heza (Polyvinyl)
28 ELEANOR FRIEDBERGER Personal Record (Merge)
29 SHANNON AND THE CLAMS Dreams In The Rat House (Hardly Art)
30 BOMBINO Nomad (Nonesuch)

Ladyfest Philly Brings Music and Activism Together

Courtesy of Ladyfest
Courtesy of Ladyfest Philly

By Nick Sukiennik

At a time when inequality and discrimination are rejected by current societal standards, what is the real state of women’s rights in this country? Ladyfest Philly, a festival of music, arts, and activism, challenges the notion that equality is a reality for all individuals, and aims to take some of the necessary strides to make it so this weekend, Friday, June 7th, through Sunday, June 9th.

A primary issue in this fight for justice, and one that Ladyfest intends to vocalize, is the notion that women, in addition to other underrepresented groups, should have the right to choose what is best for themselves.

I asked Sara Sherr, who co-organized the event and was active in the public relations and booking committees, about this standpoint. She explained: “On paper we have more opportunities than we’ve ever had, but there are people trying to take away that freedom.” This relates to the issue of “reproductive rights”, one of the most controversial topics of the past decade.

Continue reading “Ladyfest Philly Brings Music and Activism Together”

In-Studio: Restorations Live @ WKDU (5/23/2013)

Courtesy of Ally Newbold
Courtesy of Ally Newbold

Before playing First Unitarian Church with The Menzingers, local punk favorites (and friends of the station) Restorations stopped in to perform an acoustic in-studio set.

[bandcamp width=350 height=559 album=3139386144 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 notracklist=false]

Click here to see more photos from the session.

Concert Review: Sun Ra Arkestra @ Johnny Brenda’s (May 25, 2013)

Courtesy of Ars Nova Workshop // Ryan Collerd
Courtesy of Ars Nova Workshop // Ryan Collerd

By Nick Stropko

Last Saturday, I stood on the balcony of Johnny Brenda’s, watching a pretty unusual setup—a couple dozen old men, adorned in sequin-covered outfits and strange hats, setting up chairs, music stands, and sheet music on the cramped stage. As they continued to stick chairs in an increasingly claustrophobic-looking formation, musicians actually began setting up beside the stage, lining the floor with percussionists, the keyboard player, and a dancer. Yeah, it was pretty bizarre. However, it was also a fitting tribute to Sun Ra, the namesake and deceased former leader of the Sun Ra Arkestra.

See a full gallery of pictures after the break

Continue reading “Concert Review: Sun Ra Arkestra @ Johnny Brenda’s (May 25, 2013)”